Monday, October 4, 2010

sad keanu.

Keanu Reeves got photographed eating a cupcake, alone, on a bench. Now people are photoshoping him into various different settings and its killing me. fucking.hilarious. Do yourself a favor and google "sad keanu" and you will stumble upon thousands of pictures. An interviewer recently showed him some photographs and he apparently had no idea this was going on:

i:Seriously, though, this is one of the reasons I think one of the big appeals of you as an actor is that people are always straining to figure out what's on your mind, what you're thinking, why you're sad … There's thousands of people doing this.

k:Wow. So, what, now they're putting me next to other objects?

i:Yes! For instance, right now I'm looking at you in some Banksy graffiti, you next to a panda.

k:That's so funny.

godamn are people ever creative sometimes.