Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lindsay blew her chance at a fresh start up her nose...again

You know already about my Lohan fascination. It's the most deliciously fucked up family. I don't feel bad in saying that their plight brings me entertainment. They all live in denial, think everyone is agaisnt them therefore find the need to try to upright LIE about anything and eveything. Remember when Dina would tell us that Lindsay's fine? That it's only the media putting a negative spin on Lindsay's public image? That the judge, who put her crank ass in jail for 90days then 90 day rehab was fucked in doing so? Yeah. That Dina. Well post jail term and inpatient rehab, Lindsay seeemed to be slowing it down. Simply because she had no choice. State ordered she give random drug tests every week and attend A.A. regularly. But Lindsay is infallible to drug test...right?! So she went ahead and did blow and anphetamines and tested positive. Backed into a corner, Linsday has no choice but to fess up; "Substance abuse is a disease, which unfortunately doesn’t go away over night,” she wrote. “I am working hard to overcome it and am taking positive steps forward every day. I am testing every single day and doing what I must do to prevent any mishaps in the future...this was certainly a setback for me but I am taking responsibility for my actions and I’m prepared to face the consequences".
For most, accountability would be a positive step forward. In Lindsay's case, its not. She didn't confess for herself or to better herself. She confessed because she had no way to DENY it. I can absolutely imagine this smug bitch laughing her way through her tweets. Accountability isnt a word that Dina cares to implement in her children's lives or her own. If one can just pretend everything is fine, then it is right? As long as my kid gets a pay check then everything is fine right? Fucking Dina. Dina knows no one will hire lindsay's crank ass so she's gotta be convincing. Cash cow > drug problem. Cash cow daughter trumps cranked out daughter. See? But wonder what Dina will say for herself, having been Lindsay's biggest "she's fine" campaigner. Will she finally admit that she's a fucking liar? OF COURSE NOT. Dina will spin this. Spin it hard.'ll be someone elses fault and some how, even through Lindsay's drug addiction confession, Dina will make sure to dilute the situation and blame the judge ( blame the Judge is Dina's favorite game) Anyways, through the tweets, Lindsay can play the sympathy angle. Trust me, this bitch has no intention of getting clean. The fine angle CLEARLY failed on so many levels so she's got nowhere else to go. Lindsay still believes we're all either against her or stupid enough to not see how fucked up she is. Anyways, she's got a court date and, if she even shows, she can be thrown back into the slammer for 30 days. Good. Fuck, keep her there.

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