Monday, November 1, 2010

Remember that time you went blowhead nuts on a porn-star in a hotel room? No? Sheen probably doesn't either.

Charlie Sheen was at the Plaza hotel in New York on a trip with Denise Richard and their children when his coke-binge-slut-threatening ways came to light again. In his hotel room (the girls and Richards were in another)Sheen decided to let the crazy out when he accused random pick-a-ho of the night Capri Anderson (said slut)of stealing his watch. Apparently he went nutter-butters and made Capri fear for her safety. Whilst the porn "star" was locked in the bathroom, Sheen took his fit out onto the room and caused, allegedly, thousands or dollars worth of damage. The police came and assessed the situation, Sheen has not yet been charged of probation violation ***
[*** In case you fail to remember the wonderful Oh-So-Sheen-Christmas where he tried to attack his then wife Brooke Mueller with a knife and threatened to kill her]
BUT the Capri is suing him for lots more than his watch is probably worth. Well, given his track record I don't blame her. Richards herself claimed that he used to be violent and often lost his shit on her -- 'member that nasty he said, she said war-of-words they had? He also has a long standing track record of hoes and blow. AND GUESS WHAT
Sheen's publicist says he's FINE! (the publicist Dina Lohan'ed that shit) -- nothing happened, Sheen is totally completely FINE and the incident was blown out of proportion by the media. fucking hate Hollywood.
Its people like the publicist, and the stupid show he works on (WHERE HE GETS PAID 1.5 MILLION AN EPISODE, FML)and aaaallllll the other yes people that blow hot air into Sheen's ass who enable motherfuckers like him to go on unpunished for their ridiculous and entitled behavior and still get paid more than any other actor on television.
and I MUST DIGRESS how the fuck does Sheen on 2 and a Half Mengarbageunfunnyshow, who only cracks shit jokes and has no acting range on the show other than truly playing himself, make more money then someone like Bryan Cranston who has 3 CONSECUTIVE Emmys for his dramatic and piercing role on Breaking Bad (if you haven't watched it, you suck and get on it). HOW???? fuck, I absolutely hate HATE this industry sometimes.

Anyways, I assume that Sheen will settle with Capri out of court to avoid having details emerge from that night that apparently never existed (according to Sheen's publicist). Heard she wants to testify at his probation we'll see how that all unfolds because I have serious doubts that Sheen will face any consequences. And, in case you forgot, he will continue making more money than anyone of us could ever dream of having, and continue to make hookers lock themselves in bathrooms because of his inevitable wrath.
Unsettling? yes. Surprising? No.

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