Sunday, April 18, 2010

I miss this shit

Yes people. A new boy band in 2010. They honestly make me so happy. Remember the personas? the bad boy, the heartthrob, the mysterious one, the leader-head singer...god, something for everyone! Don't lie. the coordinated/unison dance moves were the bomb! (the hand gestures, arm extensions, the reaching). The chesticles, always exposed at one point or another; the prolonged gazes into the camera, the wind machine, the microphone dance, the friends, the list goes on and JLS is bringing this shit back! And I couldn't happier. They are big in London. I can tell you I could not care less about their names, all I care about is that all the boy band cheese is there!!! it's alive, and intact! Thank you Chloe for bringing this amazingness to me.
North America thinks it is way past the boy band era, thinks it's all about rappers, and "legitimate talent". Fair enough. But this shit used to sell hard. Remember YTV? on friday nights? It would play the top pop hits (this is probably only for the Canadians out there) I used to live for that! No internet bitches, I used wait a whole week to hear my songs play! Appreciate the boy bands for what they are; pure cheese and catchy tunes.
Maybe I'm being all nostalgic cause I served a 12 year girl birthday party today at the restaurant. At 12, I played barbies. At 12 NOW, they go to dances and suck d***. True story.
Bring back the cheese! bring back the cheese goddamn it!

you hear me America?

Ok, so I know I said I didn't care about their names, and I still don't, but I did care to find out how they came to be. They formed their lil group together, auditioned in coordinated polos, and sang acapella together for x-factor in the UK (equivalent to American Idol)and won. They are actualy all good vocalists. Sigh. I love them more

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