Sunday, February 27, 2011

This is some funny shit

You know how I like to talk about self-centered asshole celebrities, who believe in their own hype and think they can go around treating people like garbage and live without any sort of consequences? Because they can and because we keep allowing them to do so, and because we keep buying their shit and seeing their movies? Yeah. Those douchers. Well this song sums it up.

I mean think about a child actor. Who's told they're amazingly talented and unparalleled in beauty at a time in their development when they should be learning about responsibility, general education and other normal social endeavors. Then they stay in the same bubble (with publicists and mom-managers and agents) that pushes them to do more and more so the team and families can profit from the kid as long as possible before the fad passes. Then they grow up, believing they are as untouchable and special as they always have been told they are and become full blown self-entitled adults who don't understand the concept of being told NO. They have moms and dads and great aunts to support so everyone stays on their good side. That's some fucked up shit. In light of my Superbowl today, the OSCARS, here's a lovely song that breaks it down so well why artists can be such fuckers.


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