Tuesday, March 1, 2011

feeling awkward for people and bong hits

That describes the Oscar hosting situation. On the left you had James Franco, who appeared to have checked-the-fuck-out, eyes barely open, can't even be bothered to finish a sentence with any sort of enthusiasm, and looked as though he had been hitting a bong between sets and theennn you have Anne Hatheway who was so awkwardly unfunny, nervous, sttrruuggling to pick up the slack, knowing she sucked (that was the worst part) and not having any idea how to save it. Though their montage was good (obviously it was good, they're fucking actors) the opening skit and everything else hurt (obviously, they're not comedians). I properly hate being embarassed for people. Like you know when you're on the bus, and a crazy person gets on it and starts yelling obscenities at the bus driver? And you can feel that tense awkward vibe and you're feeling bad for driver that has to deal with it? Or when some one yells at a clerk or cashier? And you're both embarrassed for the yellee and yeller? Shit man, that makes me sooooo uncomfortable. Well that was the opening monologue for me. I wanted it to all stop. For them to just say fuck it.
Remember when Hugh Jackman hosted and he did this hilarious musical mash-up of all the best picture nominees? That's what they should have done. I mean, when it comes to comedy I could literally think of a million other combos that could have been put together. Let's play this game.
-Alec Bawldwin and Sandra Bullock
-Robert Downey-Junior and Jude Law
-Louis C.K. and Kathy Griffin (Good God!)
-Justin Timberlake (I'm thinking of the cool,SNL J.T.) and Sarah Silverman (Why not)
-Ellen Degeneres (again) and anyone
...I could play this game all day.
And p.s. I'm not just putting this on Anne and James, were the writers for this thing out to lunch? Or did they put everything they had into the taped sequence?
For a vid of what should have happened (though nothing can top this)copy this link. It's worth it. (youtube won't let me re-post it)

PS I got 5/6 for my picks. Damn Inside Job.

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