Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Societal Pet Peeve of the Day - Three course meal during class

I should have snapped a picture of this. It was beyond ridiculous. A girl shows up properly 20 minutes late for class. Disruptive enough, as it is a note-taking intensive class where the teacher just talks as much and as fast as possible and we all type furiously. So she finally makes her way into the front of the class. Then, for what seemed like the longest 2 minutes of everyone in the class's lives, she starts unpacking 3 Tupperware containers from a loud-ass plastic back. THEN she starts slowly opening them all up; one container had some cut up fruit, the other had some white jizzy looking stuff and the third was a tin can with what looked like dried flowers. She starts mixing all three together. Seriously? WTF???? I fully understand that some people have classes back to back and some classes are all the way across campus...so I get eating like a granola bar, or a quick bite of some left overs, or a sandwich...but like unpacking, mixing, putting away...in classs....in the front row...when you're late... sorry I don't get it.
Ultimately though, who doesn't have the 10 minutes at some point in their day to stop and eat. Or if you don't, wouldn't you bring something normal?
Such a "really dude?" moment for me. I guess there are just some things I can't fucking understand.

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